Indicators of Product Competitiveness
Whether a product is competitive is mainly reflected in two aspects: one is its market position; the other is its sales situation. For a product, its competitiveness should be manifested in two aspects: one is compared with similar products on the market. The same product in the same market, whoever has a high market share, is more competitive; second, compared with other products of the company, a company may produce multiple types of products, with large sales and more profits The products of the company are competitive. It is worth noting that these two indicators are sometimes not unified. The most ideal state is a high market share and good sales.
Factors affecting product market position
The influencing factors are the level of competitors and the status of the industry. The level of competitors is directly related to the market share of the product, and it should include: marketing methods, enterprise scale, economic strength, and the number of competitors. The so-called market actually refers to the market for the product in the entire industry, so the state of the industry is a very important influencing factor.
Factors affecting sales
The factors that affect sales include the product life cycle, technical factors, price and quality. The product life cycle is: input period, growth period, maturity period and decline period. Products in different periods have different sales and their competitiveness is natural. It is also different. Sometimes a product can replace another product in some aspects, forming indirect competition. They overlap in function. When more advanced products appear, they will reduce the sales of old products. The original products To a certain extent, it affects the promotion of new products. The level of price affects the size of sales. Generally speaking, under the same conditions of other factors, the lower price is more competitive. The lower price can attract consumers, and the higher quality To retain consumers and promote their repurchase, from the perspective of product competitiveness, factors such as the quality of raw materials, production conditions, and evaluation standards will cause changes in product quality.
It is easier to buy products with a price advantage in the right place.

China’s industrial distribution
Papermaking and printing industry
China’s paper and printing industry has formed three major industrial clusters in the Pearl River Delta, the Yangtze River Delta and the Bohai Rim, and has become a pillar industry in Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shandong, and Fujian.
Others are scattered in Hebei in the middle and Chongqing in the west
Metallurgical manufacturing
.The central and southwest regions are industrial clusters centered on large-scale state-owned metallurgical enterprises led by the government.
Culture, Education, Sports Goods and Handicraft Manufacturing
China’s cultural, educational and sporting goods manufacturing industry clusters are mainly distributed in Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong and Hubei where traditional handicrafts are more developed in the southeast coast.
Petrochemical industry
China’s petroleum processing and chemical product manufacturing industries are widely distributed. Relying on the rich local petroleum resources and state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises supported by the state, the Northeast has developed
Industry-based clusters
Exploitation of marine crude oil in Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Guangdong regions along the eastern coast
Metal products industry
China’s metal product industry clusters are concentrated in the coastal areas of Zhejiang, Guangdong, Jiangsu, and Shandong, and scattered in Hebei and Hunan.
Wood processing and furniture manufacturing
China’s bamboo and wood processing industry clusters are concentrated in the three provinces of Zhejiang, Fujian, and Guangdong, and the others are scattered in Hebei and Hubei in the middle. The furniture manufacturing industry clusters are concentrated in Guangdong and Fujian.
Others are scattered in the central part of Hebei, Liaoning, and Zhejiang.
Machinery manufacturing
China’s machinery manufacturing industry is widely distributed, mainly concentrated in areas with a strong heavy industry foundation such as Northeast, Shanxi, Hunan, and Hubei. Due to the generally weak foundation of heavy industry in coastal cities,
In addition, the competition is fierce and labor costs no longer have advantages. Therefore, China’s machinery manufacturing industry clusters are shifting to the central and northeastern regions.
Post time: Feb-27-2023